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Curriculum Integration

Welcome to my website review on ED 410. I have created a few voice recordings to go along with my assignments. They provide an inside look at how I worked on the assignments and my opinions on them. Thanks and I hope you enjoy!

ED 410-Welcome

21st Century Skills

Lesson Plans

Here is a great option for technology integration in your classroom. It is a fun way to get your students excited bout research and writing! Click the links to the right and enjoy!!

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan PowerPoint

Group Wiki AR


K-12 Teacher Created Virtual Expeditions

One way Augmented Reality can be implemented in a K-12 classroom is through teacher-created virtual expeditions. Teacher created virtual expeditions give students a better visual of the content they are going over in the classroom. My 6th-grade science classroom is currently learning about volcanoes.  The section about volcanoes is almost complete, and I want the students to actually see and hear a volcano. Students will be able to see and experience a volcano. This experience includes seeing and hearing the eruption and seeing the effects of the lava flow. We begin the class with a review of volcanoes. This will refresh the students previous learning and lets them know what they should be looking for during the virtual expedition. The virtual expedition will take place on iPads. Each student will have an iPad and a headset. Will will also be going outside for this activity. Students will put on their headset and point their iPad's somewhere outside. A volcano will be on the screen. Students will be able to actually witness a volcano erupt, watch the lava flow, and see the effects of the lava flow.  Students will be able to walk around the volcano that is on the screen. After each student has had a chance to witness a volcano eruption, we will go back to the classroom. Students will turn-and-talk to their neighbor about what surprised them about the volcano and any other interesting information. The students would then answer 3-5 questions about the footage they have seen. After the questions are answered, students will get in groups of 4 and discuss their answers.  This Augmented Reality activity really gets kids out of the classroom and helps them get a better visual of the volcano content we have covered.

This virtual expedition gave the students a great visual of all that we have been learning about volcanoes. Sometimes it is hard for students to visualize content in their minds, so allowing Augmented Reality into classrooms is very beneficial. Some pros to this Augmented Reality lesson are motivation, student engagement, perspective, and collaboration.  Augmented Reality makes content more visual and attractive to students. Knowing that they will actually witness a volcano erupt will motivate students to want to learn. Allowing each student to have an iPad guarantees student engagement. As long as they are looking at the screen, nothing can block the view. Each student will also have a different perspective of the volcano. This allows for student communication and collaboration. Students learn best from each other, so allowing them to collaborate and communicate with one another is very beneficial to their learning. A con of this Augmented Reality lesson is having different types of learners. Not all students learn the same way. So while some students are getting a lot from these visuals, others do not. This is why we reviewed before the virtual expedition.


College: Virtual Scavenger Hunt

One-way Augmented Reality can be implemented in the Athens College of Education would be through a virtual scavenger hunt. The topic of interest is the four methods of teaching. They have been learning about the four methods of teaching, now it is time to see what the students really know. The professor starts the class by going over the rules about the hunt. This includes the dos and doesn't and how to upload their content after the assignment is complete. The professor creates a scavenger hunt where students walk around campus looking for pop-up points, using their phones. Pop-up points will pop up on their devices that contain a summarized video about a particular method of teaching. The first pop-up point is the café, they must point their device at the Athens State medallion and a video will appear about collaboration in the classroom. The second pop-up point is the black bear statue, this they will point their device at the bear and pop-up point is about learning by teaching will appear. The third pop-up point is the nameplate on the front of the classroom building,  its a pop-up point is about demonstrating will appear. The fourth pop-up point is the fountain, its point is explaining. They must watch the video and create their own that will be pinned to that location and others who pass by can watch it. After they complete a location, they receive a star. Once they collect all five stars, they will send their link to the professor to review the accuracy of the videos. The virtual scavenger hunt gives students a more hands-on approach rather than just reading a book and relaying answers to the professor.


It can be difficult to read college text and answer critical thinking questions that correspond to the text. Allowing students to go out onto campus and learn in an augmented hands-on approach is much better. They can visually see the methods of teaching and can create in their minds their own definitions. This also gives the professor a chance to see how they look at the topic. It may provide insight into what they don’t know. Some pros include; motivation to get the assignment done, student collaboration, engagement, etc..A con for this assignment would be not being able to complete this assignment because of the weather. Only one pop-up point is inside, so rain could cause an issue.  

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