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Nov 11, 2019
In PP Investigation
Wow, what an assignment! I thoroughly enjoyed this assignment. It was cool that we got to make it in the form of an investigative report. Unfortunately, my video crashed as I was trying to publish it.=( I worked really hard on this video. I was given team based learning. It was really neat to tie in Prensky's text with the context of team based learning. I had always heard about it, but I never looked into it. I kind of reminded me of flipped classroom. Students learn the information at home and come to class prepared for text and engaging content with their groups. Team based learning is something I want to use in my classroom. I will definitely want to observe my students before putting them in their groups. I noticed some disadvantages of TBL were students taking advantage of one another or groups not working as whole. I definitely don't want to give students a grade they don't deserve. Overall, it was my favorite assignment we have done. I hope the second video I make of this will be just as awesome as the first one was.
Oct 14, 2019
In Prensky's Text
Wow guys! It's been awhile since I last posted, a lot has gone on since then. The Partnering Pedagogy assignment was a lot of work, but it was great. I got to make some new friends and they helped bare the load of all the work. I enjoy being able to collaborate with my fellow classmates. The Digital Natives book was fantastic. I learned a lot and there is a lot I can take away after reading it. I know this is something I am GOING to do in my future classroom. Yes, it will take time but it will be worth it. The most important thing I learned from all of this is that we are creating the leaders of tomorrow. We need to teach them new innovative ways to learn and explore. Sometimes the student may teach the teacher a thing or two about technology, and that's okay! I really liked the break down of what is to be taught and how it should be taught.(Nouns & Verbs) Overall, this was a great assignment and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks to my new pals that helped make our wiki Rockin'. Peace out for now, Mrs. Davis Here are my personal thoughts from the book: In my opinion, this was a very in-depth book on the perspective of partnering. I agree with Prensky in that our world is changing fast and the education system needs to keep up. Students are not like they used to be, neither are teachers. We are both innovators and want to excel in every way we can. It is important for our society that we teach our students in new ways; not forgetting but improving. We aren’t just preparing our students for the next grade or the next test, we are preparing our students to be the leaders of tomorrow. It is also important that we not only teach our students what the curriculum requires but how to collaborate with one another. In order to be successful in partnering and in the workforce, students must thrive in group settings. I think partnering is a great idea! Unfortunately, there are many “old school” teachers who feel the old way is best. It is our job as new teachers to kindly and respectfully show the teachers and communities just how well partnering works. It is amazing that students get to take charge of their own learning. Teachers are the facilitators, while students get to explore and learn in a whole new light. I think personal connection is key, students tend to relate better to things they care about. It is important to remember that this is something that will take time getting into. Hopefully, taking this class will give me a jump start on learning how to teach in a partnering environment. I am glad I read this book and it has offered great insight into the future of education.
Sep 23, 2019
In Constructivism
Whew! What an assignment. This was a lot of work, but well worth it. I enjoyed learning more in-depth about what constructivism is. I think a traditional classroom is still acceptable, but we all could use a little constructivism. It is important that the focus be on the student. I know I learn better through fun activities planned. Yes, it is a little more effort on the teacher's part but it is so worth to know that you helped a child deepen their knowledge. I definitely want to use this approach in my classroom. These are the types of teachers I always remembered. Students aren't going to remember boring Ms.Susie's class, but they will for sure remember Mrs.Davis' Rockin' Room where learning was fun and exciting!! I thought the assignment was a bit tricky, but I was able to get it presentable. I am the type of person who could work on it for ever and ever and still find something to change about it. The upload made my power point a little wonky, that't okay. It was still readable! I am enjoying this class so very much, I am glad I chose Ed Tech as my minor!! =)
Sep 09, 2019
In Flipped Classroom
Hey, guys! This week was another crazy week....lots of assignments due! We learned all about flipped classroom this week. Honestly,I love it!! I will totally use it in my classroom. I would like to use it in correlation with traditional classroom settings. There are some things I feel need to be taught in the classroom. After doing my research, I had no idea that there was so much controversy over the subject. It seems like older teachers and some parents are saying NO WAY!! While others are jumping on the bandwagon as a great source to utilize for students. I like the fact that my students can be observed at home by their parents. **No more parent teacher conferences about why little Billy says he isn't being taught** Yes, there are some difficulties with not having internet at home but most school systems are solving that actively. If I need to, I will download the audio files to an MP3 player and let them listen that way. If you truly believe in it, you can make it work. There is so much research to do before you start this in the classroom. I think integrating it over a few years it a great way to start. I thought this assignment was so fun! I love creating content through technology. These technology courses are tough, but are by far my favorite. I am uploading my flipped classroom video....I hope you enjoy! **You will have to download the file**
Sep 02, 2019
In 21st Century Skills
Hi, Guys! This week we have been studying 21st Century Skills. What is that? You may ask yourself. Basically, you no longer need to know about just reading, writing, math, history, and science. Computer skills and social skills are also very important. It's all about career readiness! Big bosses have already gotten together and made a list of all the things they look for in a new employee. Isn't that great!? Take a look at this little info-graphic I created. It'll break down the information a little bit better for you. I really enjoyed this assignment and can't wait to keep going. =)
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Nov 14, 2018
In Welcome
It’s good to have you here! Feel free to share anything - stories, ideas, pictures or whatever is on your mind. Here you can start discussions, connect with members, reply to comments, and more. Have something to say? Leave a comment or share a post!
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